Channel: break free from relationship anxiety | Conscious Transitions
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18 Principles of Conscious Transitions


IMG_5954People often ask me how they can break through their anxiety if they can’t afford one of my courses. My response is to suggest that they read through my blog from beginning to end, as my posts contain the essence of my work and many of the tools that can help people find their still point, their inner sense of home, and their serenity. It delights me when readers write to me letting me know that they’ve been greatly helped by my blog alone as I don’t believe that inner wellness should come with a price tag that excludes anyone who needs help from receiving it.

Along these lines, I’ve compiled the 16 phrases I find myself saying over and over again to my clients and course members into one post. Hopefully, this will offer those of you who aren’t ready or able to take one of my courses a basic roadmap of my work. Perhaps one day I’ll compile my writings into a book, but for now, this simple post will help readers in need of help to navigate through my site and find my underlying principles more easily.

1. The Anxious-Sensitive-Creative personality type.

2. Anxiety is a messenger that comes bearing gifts.

3. Intrusive thoughts are distress flares.

4. Whatever we water will grow.

5. The initiation of relationship anxiety.

6. The three stages of transitions. (Read my free e-book using the second link on this page).

7. Just because you have a thought doesn’t mean it’s true.

8. Feeling aren’t always a reliable source of guidance; just because you don’t feel something – i.e. “in love” – doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it (i.e. – stay with a loving partner) – otherwise we would never wash the dishes, brush our teeth, or exercise!

9. Projection as protection.

10. Fear distorts perception.

11. Anxiety will hang its hat on the hook of any storyline. (Aka: Fear-eyes or clear-eyes).

12. The Million-Dollar Question: Is my doubt about my relationship an offshoot of my own anxiety or is it a warning that I’m with the wrong person?

13. Love is action, a practice, and an act of will. Love is not only a feeling. Real love is what you give. Love is friendship.Embedded inside the longing to feel in love in the longing for your own aliveness.

14. Filling the well of Self.

15. The Need for Certainty.

16. The unconscious speaks in the language of metaphor. Taking dreams, anxiety, insomnia, and intrusive thoughts at face value will send you down the rabbit hole of further anxiety.

17. Dealing with resistance is part of the healing journey.

18. You are whole and you are loved.

If any of you have a particular Conscious Transitions blog post or phrase that has had a strong impact on your growth and healing or offered inspiration, please feel free to add it in the comments below.

Thank you, dear readers, clients, and course members, for the continual wisdom that you share. A great deal of what I’ve learned about relationship anxiety, intrusive thoughts, sensitivity and anxiety in general has come from your willingness to share yourselves with me with vulnerability and trust, with the poetry that emerges from souls born of beauty and a hearts longing for light.

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